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Masters in History of Medicine From ancient times through to the present date, the history of medicine shows us how different cultures have changed in their methods to illness and disease and health in general. It was the Indians who first introduced the concepts of medical diagnosis, prognosis, and advanced medical ethics. We have also seen different medical traditions Babylon, China, Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. In ancient Greece in the 5th century BC, the Hippocratic Oath was written. This Oath is still the one that physicians swear upon entry into the profession today It was in the Middle Ages, that surgical practices received from the ancient masters were improved and then systematised in Rogerius's The Practice of Surgery. Universities began systematic training of physicians around 1220 AD in Italy and it was later brought to an art form by the Knights of St. John in Malta at the Sacra Infermeria, the Most Modern hospital of its time. Course Objectives This course will allow you to develop an in-depth understanding of how healthcare and medicine have developed, how health has changed and the societal impacts of these changes across the world in a variety of historical contexts. The course will take you from classical antiquity to the 21st century, covering classical antiquity, medieval, early modern and modern periods. Training in historical research methods and conceptual and methodological approaches to the history of medicine will also be provided as part of the course. This course will enable the student to specialise in the history of medicine, led and supported by internationally regarded historians. We will explore historical, literary, social and cultural perspectives on illness and health, general wellbeing, issues of public health and the history of medicine. We'll examine the links between history, the humanities and policy to gain advanced skills in analysis and critical reflection.
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Masters in History of Medicine From ancient times through to the present date, the history of medicine shows us how different cultures have changed in their methods to illness and disease and health in general. It was the Indians who first introduced the concepts of medical diagnosis, prognosis, and advanced medical ethics. We have also seen different medical traditions Babylon, China, Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. In ancient Greece in the 5th century BC, the Hippocratic Oath was written. This Oath is still the one that physicians swear upon entry into the profession today It was in the Middle Ages, that surgical practices received from the ancient masters were improved and then systematised in Rogerius's The Practice of Surgery. Universities began systematic training of physicians around 1220 AD in Italy and it was later brought to an art form by the Knights of St. John in Malta at the Sacra Infermeria, the Most Modern hospital of its time. Course Objectives This course will allow you to develop an in-depth understanding of how healthcare and medicine have developed, how health has changed and the societal impacts of these changes across the world in a variety of historical contexts. The course will take you from classical antiquity to the 21st century, covering classical antiquity, medieval, early modern and modern periods. Training in historical research methods and conceptual and methodological approaches to the history of medicine will also be provided as part of the course. This course will enable the student to specialise in the history of medicine, led and supported by internationally regarded historians. We will explore historical, literary, social and cultural perspectives on illness and health, general wellbeing, issues of public health and the history of medicine. We'll examine the links between history, the humanities and policy to gain advanced skills in analysis and critical reflection.
scientia potentia est
Pro Deo International University
Pro Deo International
scientia potentia est